If you read my post on my cats then you'll know Tango has kidney problems and has had teeth problems and has basically cost us lots at the vets this year. As well as that, if you read my post on my rabbit then you'll know Maisie recently fell ill and also cost lots of money (I'm very happy to say she is much better now though). Well my other cat Rory has been perfect so far aside from his arthritis acting up a little bit once or twice and it seems he was upset he hadn't got any attention since he is now sleeping next to me with an infected cut and one of those cones on his head.
Yesterday whilst me, my mum and brother were out bowling for my birthday, my dad (who had to go to work) called us to say he was limping again. We thought it might be his arthritis and he would be better by the next day.
When we got home we found he was limping worse that he ever had before and seemed to be in a lot of pain. But since he can be a little bitch it was very hard to look at him to check what's up. We eventually found what looked like a cut on his biggest paw pad so today he went to the vets and they said that it looked infected.
There was a choice of either putting the cone collar thing on him to stop him licking it (because his rough tongue was making it worse) or bandaging it up but we expecting he'd get the bandage off and it's good to let the cut breathe. So he now has a cone around his head and he is not a happy bunny (or cat I suppose) and keeps trying to get it off (it's quite heartbreaking to watch but it's best for him). It looked like he was getting stressed so I put him on my bed to try and calm him and he seems much happier now which is very good. He even dozed off for a while!
So he has to go back to the vets on Monday and might have to have a little stitch in his paw if it doesn't heal itself. We also have to try and get medicine down him which is always fun (especially as he is a bugger and it look me, my mum and brother 10 minutes to get him in the pet carrier earlier). He has an injured paw and has been limping loads but when it came to then he had no problem running off!
So now all of the family pets have cost plenty of money this year at the vets! I'm sure Tango is still winning (seriously teeth surgery costs so fucking much. I guess it depends how many they have out but it was triple digits), she is a sickly cat (British blues are apparently known for that which we probably should have known before we got her but oh well she's worth it) but the other pets seem to be pretty determined to have loads spent on them too so who knows (please don't make us spend any more pets).
Me, my mum and brother were actually meant to be going to visit my aunt from today but we've had to postpone that until tomorrow! My dad's gonna have fun trying to get the medicine down Rory by himself until we get back(!)
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