Monday 1 August 2016


I have no idea if BEDA is a thing people do or not but I'm gonna try and do it anyways.

BEDA stands for Blog Every Day in August (or maybe it's Each Day?) so I'm gonna try (TRY) to put up a blog post every day throughout August. It's likely I'll miss days or maybe even stop halfway through and the blog posts probably won't be amazing but I'm gonna try anyway.

My train of thought is basically: if people on YouTube do VEDA (Video Every/Each Day in August) and it helps to get their video making creative juices flowing then maybe blogging every day will help my blogging creative juices flow.

I'm not sure if it counts as cheating to plan/write blog posts days in advance but I feel like there's no way I'm gonna be able to do this otherwise.

Here's to trying! See you (hopefully) tomorrow!


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