I've wanted to write this post since the one on my cats and today is the day. It's not the day for nice, happy reasons unfortunately (which I'll go into) but it's the day.
First of all, this is my rabbit, Maisie:
She's a grey and white mini lop (but she's not very mini) and she's around 5 years and a quarter. We rehomed her in 2011 when she was 6 months old from a family who were moving and couldn't take her with them.
She is the cutest little creature on the planet. But she's also very lazy. Like, lazy to the point where she doesn't even clean herself and we have to clean her bum for her (is that tmi? Oh well). She also eats a lot. She actually got a little overweight at one point (whoops-make sure you know what you're feeding your pets!) and we were told by the vets to change her food and diet and then she's been a perfectly healthy weight ever since.
She's been ill a few times. Once she had walking dandruff (which was not a fun experience for anyone) and I can't remember what she was ill with in this picture but I remember a few years ago we had her inside overnight (she's an outdoor rabbit as we don't have the space or anything inside but have space in the garden where she lives in her hutch with a run attachment that my dad built quite some time ago) and my cat, Tango, got up onto the settee with her and even licked her like she was her own kitten to make her better! It was the cutest thing ever. Her eyes also look a little bit weird in this picture as they were originally bright red in it so I did a red eye corrector thing and this was the outcome:
Apart from that she's been fine! She loves cuddles and her favourite treats are these banana bit things which are like dried banana coated in caramel (I think) that we give her as a special treat sometimes. She has even climbed onto my lap and stuck her head in the bag to try and eat them straight from there, that's how much she loves them. She also loves dandelion leaves which we get a lot of in the summer so she's been enjoying have a few of them recently.
And I love her to pieces. I love having rabbits, they're definitely one of my favourite animals and I've had one since my childhood (Sam was my first rabbit).
She's been 100% fine, normal and happy recently, eating and drinking just as usual. That is, until this morning. Now the post is probably gonna get quite sad here and I'm probably gonna cry writing this (I'm welling up already). But don't fear, however, as she's not dead quite yet! I woke up this morning to my mum telling me that Maisie wasn't eating or drinking. And if you know anything about rabbits you will know that if they don't eat/drink then after 24 hours their guts will shut down and they will die.
Maisie's had this happen before. She won't eat or drink but sometimes we can get her back to normal ourselves and sometimes she's fine after a trip to the vets where she either stays and gets put on a drip to give her liquids or we take her home with some medicine. She always turns out fine by the end of the day.
We kept her at home for the morning. We got a big, shallow box, lined it with newspaper and hay and put some food and water in there then put it in my room so I could keep an eye on her. We tried to get her to eat (even her favourite treats) and syringed some water into her mouth (with a special clean bunny syringe we had from giving her medicine previously). But when she still wasn't eating at lunch we rang the vets.
We took her in and the lovely vet checked her over and everything and told us she was going to have to stay in and have some liquids and make sure she starts eating and drinking again. She'd had this before so we were expecting a call meaning we could come and get her before they close later on in the evening. But the call we actually did get was quite different news.
Maisie has to stay in overnight now. And apparently there's a lump in her stomach which could just be food that got stuck but could also be...well you can put the pieces together. Apparently her back teeth aren't looking too hot either. So there have been some tears since that news came. I don't think I really need to say that I'm sad but I am very upset.
But even though Maisie may not live much longer and I'm close to crying again, I'm content with the fact that she's had 5 happy years of life and we've given her the best, happiest and most love filled life we could. And to quote The Lion King, "IT'S THE CIIIIIIIIIIRCLE OF LIIIIIIIFE".
So yeah. This is Maisie. My beautiful, lovely, greedy, lazy, happy, adorable bunny who I wouldn't trade for the world.
UPDATE: It's the next morning and the vets rang to say that she's eaten, is looking brighter and we might be able to go and get her at the end of the day! They want to keep her in for now but Maisie's not being defeated yet :D
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