Thursday 11 August 2016

august is dragging

I'm not sure what I'm about to attempt to write will make much sense but hey ho I'm gonna try anyways.

2016 has been going so quickly. I'm still shocked we're actually in August already and my birthday is so soon and it's getting kinda close to Halloween and Christmas already even though Christmas genuinely does feel like it was last week.

But, despite how fast time has been seemingly going, I'm just finding that August is dragging. I think it's because I'm on the super long summer holidays between GCSEs and A-Levels so I've just been on holiday for so long now that time is slowing down as I'm running out of new things to do. Honestly, I'm pretty bored.

I just keep looking at the date and going, "is it really only the 11th?" Especially as I've been writing blog posts each day-it just feels like I've written so many more than 10 and yet here we are, only on number 11. I'm really running out of ideas. Or even if I do have an idea I'm just never in the right mood to actually write about that thing. So I'm sorry if blog posts over the next few days seem to be a bit lacking.

Like I said, I'm not sure how much this post made sense or if there was even really a single, main point? But here it is either way.



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