Tuesday 16 August 2016

i love ratatouille

I should first of all clarify that I'm talking about the film Ratatouille not the meal. Honestly I've never eaten it so I have no opinions on it.

Ratatouille is a film that will always make me feel better. I can always put it on. I wasn't feeling amazing today (still not 100% honestly but no-one feels great all the time) but Ratatouille just made me smile and feel a bit better.

I'm not even sure what I love about it so much. Just the characters and the story and the friendships between characters and just everything it just makes me happy. I never really knew anyone who loved Ratatouille like me until the internet because I've seen so many people online say they love it but many people I know in real life either quite like it, are indifferent or don't like it so I was very excited to see other people who loved it too.

Yeah. I'm not really sure what the point of this post is other than to say that the film Ratatouille just makes me really happy and if you're not feeling amazing I'd definitely recommend putting on your favourite film/TV show. Even if it doesn't 100% cure your mood it might still make you smile.



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