The other day me and two of my friends decided that we wanted to go to the park and have a picnic so that's what we did today! We met up, went around a few shops (I bought a bubble wand because I am a child) and then went to set up our picnic. It wasn't healthy as you can see by this picture:
But it was delicious! Also if you're wondering why there is a GIGANTIC box of caramel freddos my friend bought them back for us from Cadbury's world to eat (we didn't eat them all I promise).

It was a lovely, sunny day (although it was quite chilly) and it was just so nice to snack and chat with my friends. We had a rather in-depth conversation on Doctor Who. It was nice.
I'd definitely recommend just going on a little picnic with a few friends/family (although maybe try and bring some healthier food unlike us) as it's just a nice way to get outside AND you get to eat, what are the negatives? Just remember to put on sun cream!
Also since there's a kids park right next to the field we then got to go in there and swing and play like the little children we truly are.
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