Friday, 12 August 2016

pokemon hunting with my mum (aka the nicest day ever)

Today has been SUCH a good day! Me and my mum decided we'd go on a little drive and stop at some places to do some Pokemon hunting on Pokemon Go. She was so excited for it and even woke me up by coming into my room singing the original Pokemon theme song!

I caught a fair amount in the car but when we stopped at our first place I used some incense and caught so many cool Pokemon (dragonite, nidoran, growlithe). I also managed to drop my phone and thought it would be fine because I've dropped it plenty of times before and it's a windows phone which are quite hard to break, but when I picked it up I discovered that there was a small crack in the top corner - whoops! But it's still working fine so I don't mind. I just say it gives my phone "character"!

At our next stop I didn't catch a lot but it was right down by the sea and it looked so gorgeous! It was such a nice day out today and the sun was glistening on the water on a way that didn't even look real!

We then stopped at McDonalds (as you do) and I got my favourite drink which is also the most "typical white girl" thing I have ever heard of in my life: an iced mocha frappe (yes, really) which I've only had once before but they are SO GOOD!

We then tried to go somewhere else but there was nowhere to park. But I was fine as I still caught loads of Pokemon (including a psyduck which I am way too excited about) and managed to get loads of Pokestops on the way (so many that I ended up filling my bag, a thing I didn't even know you could do).

It was at this point the servers went a bit funny but we were on our way home so I wasn't really bothered. But they did manage to fix themselves in time for me to stop and take a gym! My mum literally paid to park so she could get a pasty and I could take a gym. It ended up being taken back by two young boys just as we left. I'm still very excited that I managed to take the gym in the first place since I've never had a gym before but I don't have very high CP Pokemon and it's a gym that constantly changes hands so I'm not surprised it was taken back so quickly.

All in all I had such a nice day. I'm so glad I have this blog where I can just ramble about my day and keep it documented forever. I hope you had a nice day too!



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