Saturday 27 August 2016

favourite summer pictures

I wanted the title of this post to be "my favourite pictures i've taken over the summer holidays" but that felt very long winded. I mainly wanted that title because some of these pictures look quite Autumn-y. We're nearly at Autumn though and I am hyped. Anyways these are just some pictures that I've taken over the summer holidays that I really like and am proud of! I actually took a lot of them whilst out hunting Pokemon so I'm definitely not one of those people that thinks Pokemon Go is the biggest evil this world has ever seen!

(Also I didn't write this post to promo my instagram but since loads of these pictures are on instagram I thought it to be an appropriate time. Also some are on my aesthetic tumblr too ;))

These three are from when I went out Pokemon hunting by myself (which was quite daunting). I also apparently really like taking pictures of my feet in different settings. I'm not sure why I just think they look cute and are a nice way to say "hey I'm in a cool place!"

These next 5 are from a lovely day out with my family. The strange looking bug on a bike to the right was actually a Pokemon gym that I managed to take (but lost not too long after)! I just really like the colours in all of these and especially like the one of my feet as it looks very Autumnal which makes me happy (I promise I have other shoes I just happened to be wearing those ones again).

These two are from my picnic in the park with my friends and I love the one on the right. They also just remind me of that really nice day!

These last ones are miscellaneous. The one on the left is once again from a Pokemon hunting trip with my mum and I just really liked the way the water was glistening.

And this last one was a really really pretty sunset and I can't get over how much I love the colours in this sunset. I wish they would look like this every day.

There were a few more but it's quite a pain to get all these pictures in the places I want them so I decided to stop here (although they are on my instagram ;) - I really need to stop the promo sorry). But yeah, I really like taking pictures of just things I think look pretty. It's just something that makes me happy and I find it nice to be able to look back on pictures from nice days. People say to not live your life through a camera and as much as I agree, I still love capturing lovely pictures and moments. Just be sure to actually look at what's right in front of you sometimes!



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