Tuesday, 2 August 2016

"who are you all dressed up for?"

I can't help but get a little irritated when maybe I put a little more effort into how I look one day suddenly I get bombarded with the apparently obligatory question, "Who are you all dressed up for?" I don't understand why I can't be dressed up for myself?

Why do we seem to have come to a point in time where everything we do is thought to be for someone else and not ourselves? Yeah, I dressed up nicely today and I look damn good!

It also makes me feel insecure in a strange way. Like I'm drawing attention to myself (I'm not a huge fan of being the centre of attention) even though I try not to care of what others may think of how I look. And honestly mostly I think I manage to succeed in that. I didn't care when I went out in a dress and a multi-coloured propeller hat; so why does this question make me so self-conscious?

So basically what I'm trying to say is: let people do what they want and need to do to help their happiness and confidence (unless it's like harmful or something). And even if they are dressed up for someone, why does it matter? I can only presume that's still what's making them happy.

As much as I am for dressing for yourself, I really do encourage you to try and do whatever's best for your happiness and confidence and try not to let comments like this bother you and put you off doing what you want to do. And when in doubt: fake it 'til you make it!



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