Monday, 22 August 2016

whoops (almost)

It's 11pm, I saved Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and went "oh shit blog post". I'm not sure what happened today I just completely forgot about BEDA and haven't given it a single thought so now I'm left completely stuck on what to write and also very tired (once again, I really don't know why I've been getting a good 8-9 hours sleep every night). So I almost missed one day but I caught it at just the right time!

Since I'm not sure what to talk about and almost forgot about today, I'll just talk about random things.

On the topic of memory, I fairly often forget things. Friends will say "oh do you remember this thing" or "haha do you remember when -blank- said -blank-" and everyone seems to remember apart from me? Maybe I don't pay enough attention or I just don't have an amazing memory. Maybe it's both. I kind of wish my memory was better though since I can remember random facts but not really specific events or things happening or things for school. But oh well I work with what I've got.

I really love nail polish. I own so many and bought another one today. I'm planning on doing a post on my favourite nail polishes but who knows when that'll come honestly.

Maisie (my rabbit) went for her check-up after she got ill (as you can read in previous blog posts that I can't be bothered to link sorry) and she's just seem to have got completely better! Which is lovely as we were 100% prepared for the worst. I'm so happy my little bunny is back to her greedy, bitchy, adorable self.

That's all the random things I can think of today-sorry posts have been a tad lacklustre recently. I need to try to write a better one soon.



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