Saturday 31 December 2016


As it's 2017 soon (about an hour and a half away where I am) I of course have to repaint my nails and start the year with a new colour.

I asked my mum what colour she thought I should go into 2017 with and she said a positive colour. I added it should be powerful and passionate to represent giving 2017 our all to make it good after 2016. So we both immediately agreed on red, it just seemed like the perfect colour to enter the new year with.

So I've decided to make the colour of 2017 red. To me, it just perfectly sums up what I want to be in 2017. People are saying we should be hopeful for this year and whilst I agree that we need to be positive and have hope, we also need to take action and make 2017 amazing.

I hope 2017 is gentle and kind to you to make it just that bit easier on you. Now, let's do this. Let's give 2017 our all. Bring it the fuck on.



Also note to self: don't write blog posts this late at night listening to EXO. You're too distracted and tired to make a proper coherent point.